Lecture/Lab Notes

  1. Fundamental Data Structures (pptx, pdf)
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (pptx, pdf)
  3. Analysis; Stacks, Queues, and Deques (pptx, pdf)
  4. Development; Runtime Analysis (pptx, pdf)
  5. List and Iterator ADTs (pptx, pdf)
  6. Trees (pptx, pdf)
  7. Priority Queues (pptx, pdf)
  8. Java Library - Lists (pptx, pdf)
  9. Java Library - Priority Queue (pptx, pdf); restaurant.txt
  10. Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists (pptx, pdf)
  11. Search Trees (pptx, pdf)
  12. Java Library - Sets and Maps (pptx, pdf); inventory.txt
  13. Sorting and Selection (pptx, pdf)
  14. Java Library - Algorithms (pptx, pdf)
  15. Graph Algorithms - Data Structures for Graphs (pptx, pdf)
  16. Graph Algorithms - Graph Traversals (pptx, pdf)
  17. Graph Algorithms - Shortest Paths and Minimum Spanning Trees (pptx, pdf)