CSCE 221: Data Structures and Algorithms

Sections: 507, 508, 509
Fall 2015


All assignments must be turned in with a signed coverpage. If no coverpage is provided, the assignment will not be graded.

Culture Assignments

Culture assignments are meant to broaden your general knowledge in computer science by exposing you to topics, people, and research outside the basic scope of this class.

There will be 3 culture assignments due this semester as follows. See specific pages or calendar for due dates.

  1. Seminar
  2. Famous Computer Scientist
  3. Data Structure

Programming Assignments

Programming assignments test your technical skills in being able implement algorithms and data structures that we learn about in class.

There will be 4 programming assignments due this semester as follows. See specific pages or calendar for due dates.

  1. Programming 1
  2. Programming 2
  3. Programming 3
  4. Programming 4

Homework Assignments

Homework assignments enable you to practice and grow in your abilities to design efficient and simple algorithmic solutions to a wide variety of problems one might encounter in industry scenarios.

There will be 10 homework assignments due this semester as follows. See specific pages or calendar for due dates.

  1. Homework 1
  2. Homework 2
  3. Homework 3
  4. Homework 4
  5. Homework 5
  6. Homework 6
  7. Homework 6.5 (Optional)
  8. Homework 7
  9. Homework 8
  10. Homework 9
  11. Homework 10
  12. Homework 10.5 (Optional)