CSCE 221: Data Structures and Algorithms

Sections: 507, 508, 509
Fall 2015

Lecture Slides

  1. Ch05 - Stacks, Queues, and Deques ( pptx , pdf )
  2. Ch06 - Vectors, Lists, and Sequences ( pptx , pdf )
  3. Ch07 - Trees ( pptx , pdf )
  4. Ch08 - Heaps and Priority Queues ( pptx , pdf )
  5. Ch09 - Hash Tables, Maps, and Skip Lists ( pptx , pdf )
  6. Ch10 - Search Trees ( pptx , pdf )
  7. Ch11 - Sorting, Sets, and Selection ( pptx , pdf )
  8. Ch13 - 1 - Graph Algorithms ( pptx , pdf )
  9. Ch13 - 2 - Graph Algorithms ( pptx , pdf )
  10. Ch13 - 3 - Graph Algorithms ( pptx , pdf )