CSCE 221: Data Structures and Algorithms

Sections: 507, 508, 509
Fall 2015

Culture Assignment: Seminar

Due Date: Oct. 2nd (before class) (extended to Oct. 5th)


Computer science is an immensely broad subject. Many researchers explore very disjoint areas of computer science from security, to algorithms, to architecture, etc. In this assignment you are to attend a seminar put on by the CSE department (see here, here, or here for some good choices. Note other seminars are acceptable if related to computing), and then write a summary of your experience including what you learned and how you felt about the subject.

Required Format

Please use the following format for your culture assignment.

Grading Rubric

Culture assignments will generally be graded based upon the following:

All assignments must be turned in with a signed coverpage. If no coverpage is provided, the assignment will not be graded. Additionally, a soft copy will be turned into eCampus due the midnight of the due date.

If there are any discrepencies in grades please see Jory Denny during his office hours (not the TA or Grader).