Programming Environment Recommendation

I recommend Visual Studio Code (VS Code or Code) as a programming environment. This works in Windows, MACOS, and Linux well. It easily integrated with Python and allows for remote editing, so that we can run programs on our robot. Feel free to use any editor and programming environment you choose, e.g., PyCharm.


Running Python

We will run our programs in VS Code. Here are some helpful commands (be sure to replace the filename and hostname appropriately).

Using GIT for assignments

We will be using GIT to turn assignments in. GIT is a version control system that allows seemless collaboration when programming in a team. We will use it as a turn-in system so I can easily give you feedback on your code. Note the following for some how-tos with GIT and VS code:


We will be using the GoPiGo robot platform this semester as a ground robot. We need to ensure everyone has a proper setup for functionality and ability to program the robot for assignments. This is a guide to relevant information on this platform.

Application Program Interface (API) Information and Programming

Sensor Arrangement and Information

The GoPiGo platform has been set up with the following sensors and actuators:

Use the following images as a reference for ensuring the sensors are placed in the correct configuration for your robot.

Isometric View

Top View

Side View

Front View
For additional information please refer to the APIs.
