Programming Challenge 11


Write a version of assert, which takes an even number of parameters with the following structure:

assert(message1, condition1, message2, condition2, ..., messageN, conditionN)

This version will not terminate on a condition failing and only report the messages for the conditions that fail. Write a version of this function in C and a version of this function in C++. Name the function variadic_assert. Place the C version in a namespace c and the C++ version in a namespace cpp. Finally, write a test to ensure that your methods work as you expect.


General Instructions, Turning in assignments, and Grading

General Instructions

Turn in Instructions

Each assignment will be turned in through GitHub classroom. Please find the link to create a repository at the top of this page, or through this link. Assignments are due BEFORE, let me repeat, before class starts. This does not mean five minutes after class starts.
