Culture Assignment: Blog

Due: Entry - By start of class; Comments - By midnight of due date; Weeks of Oct. 24 - Nov. 21. You may elect to do the essay assignment instead of, no in addition to, this assignment.


Computing is a huge field. In this assignment, you are to explore computing as a field and learn something beyond basic programming. Find a single topic to explore and make a blog series about it. Example topics might include:

Creating your blog

  1. Create a blog on Blogger to track your journal. Unfortunately, you cannot use your Richmond email for this. You may need to create a gmail account.
  2. Name the blog "CMSC 150 - Fall 2017 - {Your Creative Title Here}". If you fail to name it correctly, I will ask you to change it.
  3. Email the link of the blog to the instructor. All students' blogs will be listed on this page.

Writing entries

  1. Name each entry as "Entry {entry number here} - {Creative Entry Title Here}".
  2. Provide at minimum the following sections in your entry. Use bold subheadings to provide clearly demarcated sections.
    1. Description of topic. Define any jargon and terms here.
    2. Relation to Computer Science. Clearly explain the topic's relation to Computer Science. For example, if you want to discuss the Large Hadron Collider, predominantly a product of Physics research, you need to discuss how Computing is related to the topic at hand.
    3. References. List references as the last section of the blog. Use numbers to denote references for easy citations in the entry itself.
  3. Add a descriptive image somewhere in the blog entry.
  4. If you are unsure of a topic, references, or anything please ask the instructor.

Comment on another blog

Additionally, you need to comment on at least one other student's blog a week to receive full credit. You must comment on the same entry number as the current week or you will not receive the points relating to commenting. Remember the following:


Student Blogs