Programming Assignment 01

Due: Week of Aug. 29 in lab


In this assignment, you are to use basic System.out.print and System.out.println commands to create ASCII (text) art! Be creative!


You may find an example Java program here. Note the spider web here would be a mid-low B.


Each assignment is graded out of 100% based on a combination of the criteria listed in the assignment description and programming style (e.g., good comments and naming) -- following instructions is extremely important in computer science, train yourself to think like the computer; programming style is important to be able to communicate your solutions to another programmer; both of which you are graded upon.

Specific instructions. Failure to do these steps will result in a loss of points.

Turn in instructions. Each programming assignment is to be turned in before your lab section. You will turn in a soft copy of the assignment (.java or .zip for multiple java files) through blackboard. You will also turn in a hard copy of the assignment in your lab section with a signed coverpage (each program should start a new page of the hard copy).

If there are any discrepencies in grades please see the instructor during his office hours or by appointment (do not discuss with the lab assistants or graders).