Culture Assignment: Journal

Weekly by Friday at 11:59pm (0 in first week, 2 in second week, 1 otherwise)

Computing is a huge field. In this assignment, you are to explore computing as a field and learn something beyond basic programming. Example topics might include:

Create a blog on Blogger to track your journal. Name it "CMSC 150 - Fall 2016 - {Your Creative Title Here}". Email the link of the blog to the instructor. He will list all students' blogs here.

Each entry (0 in first week, 2 in second week, 1 otherwise) of your exploratory journal should include a representative graphic (image) of the topic and a half page writing about it (1 page in total). You should explain the topic for your class mates to understand, and describe its relation to computer science. Be sure to use direct technical writing. Include references at the bottom of the entry. If you are unsure of a topic, references, or anything please ask the instructor.

Additionally, you need to comment on at least one other student's blog to recieve full credit for that week.


Student Blogs

Section 03

Section 04